Material and Human Potential Compared


In a world where infinite growth is the measure of national and worldwide prosperity, and material wealth a ruler to quantify a value of one class or person over another, evaluating a group or individual’s success and place in history by status, fame, notoriety, infamy, or dominant control based in the material, in a space of finite material, is true folly.


There is only one thing infinite that we may use to value the progress made as a group, or the life of an individually before their passing. From the least among us, to the most capable, from the smallest town, to the largest country, the only fair assessment we can make, compares us to our potential.


Staggering here is, considering we’re already born with a terminal disease called life, and throughout history all the most powerful governments and empires have fallen, by comparing ourselves to our potential, we will always fall short. This is the infinite measure, when the material is finite.


To the physical human, there is little real material need, but created by the human is want. Want being partly cause by a lack of possible achieved potential. Though some have started to limit fulfilling wants, coming to understand the flaw in the present material gauge of success. The only possible gauge, the only area in which the bar can always be raised, is our moral ethical and intellectual potential.


Individuals, groups, and all humanity, have real unlimited potential, which we must strive to meet. Take note however, the only way in which we are closing in on our potential, is by using up all of our potential personal and group resources before looking towards our real potentials. Maybe when material has lost some of its glitter and meaning by it absences, we will finally look at all that could have been.


Sadly, even if it comes to pass in our future, that we gain this understanding and finally begin striving to reach our true potentials, we never will. This achievement by each human or our entire species won’t happen. It won’t happen because of the selfishness of this time in human history for the material. Our time is the destroyer of future Humans and Humanities chance to see what could have been, simply because of our worship of the material wealth and those with it.


Observation: Political Class and Communication

As a politician it’s difficult if not impossible to unite your power base, when you no longer speak the language of your constituents. This though, is exactly what happens after having been immersed in the specialized nomenclature of  law government, and the social circle required by the elected’s mandate.

The diligence placed into speech writing is of no help, as those who write a politicians speech are also steeped in the same class culture.

The truth coming is, if you as a politician can’t communicate with the electorate, you can’t motivate or educate them either. This doesn’t mean a candidate won’t win the election, as their opponent suffers from the same limitation. It does mean however, the person elected in these circumstances is simply keeping a seat warm for someone who is a true leader.

The fact becoming more and more clear is, the language used by those who vote is the language one needs to capture attention, and grow a political power base. Political speak will soon be a detriment to a candidate, as the voters are even more jaded and cynical than ever before. This caused mostly by the contradictions made through political speak, over the last 14 years.

To be fully clear in my observation on this subject, when a politician or would be politician speaks to the public, the style and words used by those who can’t communicate, simply sound, as the political discontent grows among the masses, like sophistry. The key to being a trusted, listened to, powerful leader, is not making speeches that are well received and reviewed by the media. The secret is to speak and be accepted as one of the masses, while communicating to the voters a dream and vision, with follow-through.

That type of leader, takes a special place in our history .

Our Gamed System’s Lack Of Vision

These folks, our elected and appointed elites, need advice with our gamed system. It’s a shame the advice both the main party ideologies seem to have, is from other folks just like themselves. They are bound by beliefs and set practices that bar them from thinking creatively. This has caused us as “just regular citizens” of our country, and many others around the world to suffer. Of course, being regular citizens we know there are many ways to suffer. One of those ways is, the public having to respond to the politicians reactionary policies of fear, as they slam their breaks on sensible policies for our future. No matter what party you do or don’t belong to, we’re always recovering  from political whiplash at the very least.

If they’d only ask someone normal for an idea or opinion, as the present paid advisers, lobbyists, PAC, and Super PAC Spokespersons seem bent on destruction. The legislative powers approve some changes this foolishly, but disallow or don’t even consider other changes which of benefit. They’re plagued by old set practices from a time when our system of governance wasn’t so debased .

Goodness forbid, they might use a few advisers with life experiences, opposed to those with agenda’s, connection, and contracts, to give an honest appraisal. Then pick their minds for a wealth of knowledge, that’s reality based, All at less cost to their all so important elections to privilege, because they actually seem informed. Especially considering, how comical many elected officials look being as out of touch as they are. This might help, you never know. Certainly little else has made a real difference. Then, maybe we could actually address some of our mounting issues, and work on some of these, all around, burdens all.

Personally, I have little hope or sight of this ever happening. You see, every time I look at our politics I have this curious vision problem. I laughingly call my problem a “dystopia”. Today when I look at the political glass, it is neither half full or half empty, but cracked and leaking. I want the best for my fellow Americans, but I can’t see it coming back around. There’s just, no vision.

Have You Hugged a Homebody Today?

I stepped out yesterday, to do a bit of shopping. Not my favorite thing, it always heightens my nerves. A noted ,but controllable result of PTSD. This experience is nothing new for me, and can bring things into your awareness that most people would never notice. In every bunch of us there’s some who stand out. Most note someone tall or short, men and women note attractive women and men, and children misbehaving, draw the awareness of most adults. However, and I’ve commented on this before, there are those in the world invisible and missed. I think I see these invisible and forgotten based on past work experience. Along with this awareness given me, when I feel a bit odd from a PTSD response.

These aren’t people wearing funny hats or tattered clothing. That’s not what draws my attention. These oddities are subtle. It’s a look for some. Not the way the face looks, but where when approached the eyes go. But I understand it, I think.

You see, or maybe you don’t, these are people specifically trying to not catch anyone’s attention. It’s purposeful. You’ve known people like these all your lives. You knew them in school, when we called them shy. Some who were once bubbly and out going, may have changed themselves. Myself, I’m am a bit of a hermit now. Where as in my youth, I was very out going.

Whether you’ve known, know, or have noticed these my brother and sister, we are different. there’s no question. Some think we are angry grumpy rude. No, we’re overwhelmed, because we are quiet introspective homebody’s. This means we are hard to get to know.

From my perspective I have limits in the number of people I’m comfortable within a group, and that’s not 200 people moving about in a rush pushing carts in a shopping frenzy. In fact, my personal comfort zone is about 6 people.

Maybe my PTSD has helped in a way, if I’m honest. When I was one of those friendly social group gathering people, I passed judgment, all be it quietly and personally on people who were shy homebody’s. I did this in ignorance then. I was young invincible, living life fast, putting myself in difficult positions. Actions on my part that allowed me to experience, even if traumatic painful and tragic, this change. I’ve repent and understand, my private home-bodied brothers and sisters.

The funny thing though, like everyone else we are just trying to get by. Trying to get along in packed spaces. Trying to not be a bother or even be noticed. We, my antisocial family, aren’t hateful. Most of us, I feel, have good thoughts for our fellows. Some I’m sure, are even envious of the social butterflies out in the world. We are here, all over, waiting on the non-judgmental, the patient, and the calm to note our qualities. We make trustworthy loyal rational. life long friends, not hundreds of acquaintances. We in the end, are simply people. We offer a different perspective.

Have you hugged a homebody today?

War Resource

What’s on my mind most today is actually kind of humorous, if only because, the debate they discus is no debate at all. It’s simply fluff distraction, and frankly a moot point with lessons from history. This fake debate is, “Are the Wars being waged in the middle east, southwest Asia and Africa, by western powers, or with their help and moneys, to support, help, and protect people, to push government change to western style democracies, or are they for resources ?”

I’ve had an issue with our network and mainstream news media for some time. It’s really disturbing to me, as I also write a WordPress page “Future News Headlines”. I think of it as a satirical parody of Newspaper Headlines, their manipulations misrepresentations and agenda’s, in a tag-line. So I see a few Headlines, in my daily reading. Really, some are just too much. So, I wanted to comment on this war debate, mentioned to begin with. Just to get my thoughts down.

I believe we can say of Wars, the preponderance whether they begin for resource or not, end for resources. Through time we’ve fought for food, land, tributes, slaves, and in our world patriarchy, women. These haven’t changed through time. No, as we’ve advanced to list of things we fight for has grown. Yet still, all our wars are about resources.

We try to trick ourselves or allow others to try to trick us into believing, a secondary motivated concern is the  known primary. This new primary reason for war, always turns on some humanitarian action. We do this and try to believe it, or have others convince us into believing it, because the alternative has the dominating power looking like the aggressor it actually is. That’s usually us, the Western powers.

We want to believe in our perceived righteous cause. We want to believe we have the moral high ground. We don’t make it there anymore, however. Yet few of us as individuals, actually use raw resources. But among us identified as “people” are those who do use raw natural resources. Those raw natural resources might include the sons and daughters of each citizen as fodder.

The flat fact appears, they are all wars for resources benefiting the élite, before they benefit an overall population. War’s financed by élite financing and supplied by business owned and controlled by the élite. And also, all citizens are resources to get what those élite on top most need. More money and power. But to argue, peace, freedom, and democracy are anything but a cover story, when we have history to refer to, is lying to yourself, not facing reality, and not looking at the whole picture. Peace freedom and real democracy are wonderful beautiful ideals to strive for, even if they aren’t primary concerns when we’re taken to War.

But hey, those are my thought. I don’t expect they’re yours.

Sleep Technology

My nights are an oddity. As far back in memory as I can go, my sleep habits haven’t been what others consider normal. When I was younger it was much more difficult. I had a record player by my bunk-bed. An old heavy thing. But then again, I’m old enough to not just remember 8 track tapes, but to have used them in my youth. I believe I was 5-7 yrs old and I would try to play a record, usually some Disney production, to keep myself company awake at night. I have memories of my mother yelling from her room, “it’s time to go to bed”.

Technology may advance, but as I got older my sleep issues never changed. My advancement in technology was a small transistor radio. It was small blue mono with a single hearing aid style ear insert, and I loved it. I developed a love of audio-theater, being drawn by CBS Radio Mystery Theater and voice styles of the classic radio news broadcasters. My sleep was close to impossible, without the soft voice that fades to white noise, as I finally drifted away.

Times do change and the transistor radio from the years before my teens, becomes a stereo radio, Sony Walkman. Needless for me, this stereophonic sound, having developed a taste for AM radio talk shows. Even young I understood the struggle people had with money and investing, and these subjects where my passion, I listened for them every night as I moved up and down the dial. I always hoped to find one just starting its broadcast, knowing it might be possible then to drift away

The developments in communications and broadcasting have moved like lightning. I’ve enjoy those leaps in technology as much as others, but still my personal advances in getting a better nights sleep, haven’t been so spectacular. Tapes, Cd’s, Internet, Mp3 players, Satellite Radio MP4 players, Wi-Fi, and now the Cloud for our use. A thing of wonder when properly considered.

My use of available technologies has moved ahead with the times, and my tastes for media has changed too over the year. I use the Internet to feed my passion of news forecasting and opinion on Economics, Investments, Banking, and Government policies, around the world. While at night I now drift and fade to Literary Classics in audio book form.

I may not get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, in fact I average between 3-4 hours, but my experience of my tossing and turning while others rest, has become a richer and fuller insomnia experience with technologies advancement. For counting sheep, warm milk, chamomile tea, Benadryl, (diphenhydramine) prescription sleeping pills, sounds of nature tapes white noise makers, and brandy at bedtime I have no thanks. But for those who’ve worked to enrich my experience of  insomnia and sleepless night with such bedtime (for me) technological wonders, I thank you all.

BRICS Union’s Golden Future

B= Brazil  (Gold)

R= Russia (Gold)

I= India (Gold)

C= China (Gold)

S= South Africa (Gold)    South Africa alone, holds <40% of world gold reserves.

The Darker Side of a Human Experience

I find many have questions about my personal issues. They want to know why I call myself a hermit. Some what to know how I became a hermit. Others ask why I feel a need to limit my contact with people, even as I profess to loving all of humanity and the wonders of uniqueness within all people. So, I will attempt to share the truth and whys of this aspect of my life.

There is a time in my past where I lost all faith in the decency of my fellow humans. It took some time for these feelings of fading faith and trust, to degrade to a point, where a single action pushed these issues straight over the edge, for yours truly.

I know I’ve seen more of the darker side of humanity, than most. I think that’s a good thing though. I think, most often, those on the darker side haven’t made an overt or conscious choice to get where they are. With circumstances often beyond youths control, youth as it ages in difficulty and stress, moves towards this, that I call the darker side of a human experience.

My first upset back then, was the effect of poverty. Even in a western culture, under our standards, poverty is a sad state of affairs. It wasn’t the struggle of the adults in poverty that was difficult. It was the suffering of the young whose parents were struggling. It was knowing that there was enough not to end the struggle of the parents but the suffering of the children.

Seeing how youth has changed, and not for the better, when something truly their own, was missing from their life. When others have had good summer vacations with family, but yours was trying to save some change for clean laundry. Knowing other families have leftovers from meals, when your experience is white bread and mayonnaise sandwiches, after scraping together enough change, at the month’s end, for a loaf of bread, isn’t the best place for youth to consider their future.

So I’ve watched what actions become more common and seemingly acceptable as these age groups progress in years. Knowing at the same time, because of various other experiences, that such a life for children doesn’t have to exist . That doesn’t stop the negative advancement. Knowing there’s an answer and having the powers that be take the decision that gives the answer motion are completely different.

My first hit to faith was the no action for the sake of children. My second hit to faith was the young themselves, and the ease at which their ethical actions push aside. But here, I don’t actually see any behaviors that other poor populace’s don’t espouse when impoverished themselves. Maybe I was wrong to hope for better.

These are small issues. The true move over the edge is seeing those youth who’ve become adults in this environment, who now have a real choice in life, as to their direction, choosing to advance their loss of moral and ethical values under the free will of adulthood.

These observations of a communities dynamic came from direct observation, while working at a crappy Convenience-Store. Granted, you do see the best and the worst of humanity in such a place. Honestly though, those best parts of humanity are very few and farther between, than one would hope.

The worst of humanity is what caused my personal change. My lack of trust and loss of faith in my fellow-man, is complete with this, the worst part. That part being those youths who’ve grown to adulthood and not changed their path but escalated their crimes.

I had a friend stop in my work after his work to grab his nightly 16 ounce beer and chat. I had a bunch of customers rushing to buy alcohol, and in queue. My friend said hello to a female customer, and all hell broke loose. My friend was then attacked, by the girls boyfriend, who was also a neighborhood gang member. While this happened others held me back, and seeing an opportunity the customers looted the store. Meanwhile while being held back, the gang members attempted the murder of my friend while I could only struggle and watch.

When it finished, after the looting beating ambulance and police, I cleaned up the puddles of blood my friend had left, and pulled blood spattered products off the shelves, and tried to clean the dried droplets from the windows, and finished my shift. I’ve never to return to the neighborhood let alone the store.

Several months later I testified against the three gang member, at trial. They were, convicted. I lost a friend too. I think that was destiny. I know I suffered guilt for so long, not being able to save a friend from such a fate. I’ve also even though I love humanity, I have no faith or trust in those whom I don’t know. This is why I choose the life of a hermit. These circumstances are why I stay close to home. You see it’s not for me I stay home, it’s for you. Protection is the concern. Protecting you from me. My lack of trust and faith in you, brings me to a full defensive state. A state of mind where the unknowns are a danger and those dangers might cause on my part the inappropriate actions, of which I complain. A loss of morals and ethics, as my body slips into survival mood.

I am kind loving stable and happy when holding down the hermit home front. I am a spring ready to snap, ready to give up my life for those I love, without question, on a seconds notice of perceived danger. I am a hermit, and see myself as an unaccounted for variable when spending time in public. As a hermit I care and I love, in public I’m a time bomb that searches for injustice and crime. I have what I’m told is a special look. Which has now and then served me well. The unknown for other is when that look comes, how close I am to dispensing my brand of vigilantly justice, with a special emphasis on adults who are lucky enough to have children, but choose to abuse them in public. Because the children are innocence, till the world of selfish uncaring inattentive abusive adults, destroys the children from within.

So, Why am I a hermit? I am a hermit for you, so I can keep love in my heart for everyone.

Smearing the Lines Between News and Opinion

It’s so difficult, to watch and read news these days. It’s the use of government, special interest, and corporate quotes as facts. It’s representing these statements as truth, with no follow-up investigation to assure truth and accuracy in the reporting, that is disturbing.
The smearing of the line between news facts and opinion, until one isn’t discernible  from the other, by most viewers and readers, is an important  issue . The act alone, almost precludes consumers of these forms of media, from making logical choices based in fact. With dumbed down  news programs, that are short on fact replacing the pertinent, with word manipulation, opinion based propaganda, and additions or censorship’s for the sake of supporting a corporate agenda, I’m not sure what I expect.

These circumstances within sources of information amount to at least lies of omission, and at worst bold-faced overt lies.

Some might think I’m referring to one source over another, right or left broadcasting. No, that is my point. Right/Left broadcasting is counter productive. Whether it’s Fox News or MSNBC, whether it’s Rachel Maddow or Sean Hannity, whether it’s Piers Morgan or Bill O’Reilly, presenting the opinions it matters not. It’s all a disservice to the public.

The public is now and will be, denied facts, investigation, and truth. We’re fed a news diet of opinion based fear and greed. News that’s full of saturated fat, additives, preservatives, and sweeteners. An information diet so unhealthy, were it food, Michael Bloomberg would try to limit or cut it completely from your diet.

Bringing Back Balance

Balance is not achieved by “bailouts” or  protection of “too big to fail” businesses and banks. you gain balance through competition. Balances isn’t gained by treating those who’ve been associated with ethical impropriety, like deities.  Giving them huge bonuses, as if tithing to god.

You create balance when there is competition. This would exclude the act of making “too big to fail”, even larger.

Competition relies on choice. Choice between the medium and the small institutions competing for your business and deposits, with ethical services and care for their customers, “the savers”. A punished class today and tomorrow, if such trends continue.

This is a supply and demand, capitalist structure. A structure that has been totally lost since the end of 2007.

So many things have been and will be lost with this quiet and complete change. The confusion was a created  crisis. The prefect cover and misdirection to keep the public blinded by distraction.

With our change and the worlds change, to saving banks because of their own poor derivative sales purchases and frauds, opposed to protecting their citizens voters and people tells me, the battle ground is now the public’s fight against an elite, power imposed Neo-feudalism .