Material and Human Potential Compared


In a world where infinite growth is the measure of national and worldwide prosperity, and material wealth a ruler to quantify a value of one class or person over another, evaluating a group or individual’s success and place in history by status, fame, notoriety, infamy, or dominant control based in the material, in a space of finite material, is true folly.


There is only one thing infinite that we may use to value the progress made as a group, or the life of an individually before their passing. From the least among us, to the most capable, from the smallest town, to the largest country, the only fair assessment we can make, compares us to our potential.


Staggering here is, considering we’re already born with a terminal disease called life, and throughout history all the most powerful governments and empires have fallen, by comparing ourselves to our potential, we will always fall short. This is the infinite measure, when the material is finite.


To the physical human, there is little real material need, but created by the human is want. Want being partly cause by a lack of possible achieved potential. Though some have started to limit fulfilling wants, coming to understand the flaw in the present material gauge of success. The only possible gauge, the only area in which the bar can always be raised, is our moral ethical and intellectual potential.


Individuals, groups, and all humanity, have real unlimited potential, which we must strive to meet. Take note however, the only way in which we are closing in on our potential, is by using up all of our potential personal and group resources before looking towards our real potentials. Maybe when material has lost some of its glitter and meaning by it absences, we will finally look at all that could have been.


Sadly, even if it comes to pass in our future, that we gain this understanding and finally begin striving to reach our true potentials, we never will. This achievement by each human or our entire species won’t happen. It won’t happen because of the selfishness of this time in human history for the material. Our time is the destroyer of future Humans and Humanities chance to see what could have been, simply because of our worship of the material wealth and those with it.


Have You Hugged a Homebody Today?

I stepped out yesterday, to do a bit of shopping. Not my favorite thing, it always heightens my nerves. A noted ,but controllable result of PTSD. This experience is nothing new for me, and can bring things into your awareness that most people would never notice. In every bunch of us there’s some who stand out. Most note someone tall or short, men and women note attractive women and men, and children misbehaving, draw the awareness of most adults. However, and I’ve commented on this before, there are those in the world invisible and missed. I think I see these invisible and forgotten based on past work experience. Along with this awareness given me, when I feel a bit odd from a PTSD response.

These aren’t people wearing funny hats or tattered clothing. That’s not what draws my attention. These oddities are subtle. It’s a look for some. Not the way the face looks, but where when approached the eyes go. But I understand it, I think.

You see, or maybe you don’t, these are people specifically trying to not catch anyone’s attention. It’s purposeful. You’ve known people like these all your lives. You knew them in school, when we called them shy. Some who were once bubbly and out going, may have changed themselves. Myself, I’m am a bit of a hermit now. Where as in my youth, I was very out going.

Whether you’ve known, know, or have noticed these my brother and sister, we are different. there’s no question. Some think we are angry grumpy rude. No, we’re overwhelmed, because we are quiet introspective homebody’s. This means we are hard to get to know.

From my perspective I have limits in the number of people I’m comfortable within a group, and that’s not 200 people moving about in a rush pushing carts in a shopping frenzy. In fact, my personal comfort zone is about 6 people.

Maybe my PTSD has helped in a way, if I’m honest. When I was one of those friendly social group gathering people, I passed judgment, all be it quietly and personally on people who were shy homebody’s. I did this in ignorance then. I was young invincible, living life fast, putting myself in difficult positions. Actions on my part that allowed me to experience, even if traumatic painful and tragic, this change. I’ve repent and understand, my private home-bodied brothers and sisters.

The funny thing though, like everyone else we are just trying to get by. Trying to get along in packed spaces. Trying to not be a bother or even be noticed. We, my antisocial family, aren’t hateful. Most of us, I feel, have good thoughts for our fellows. Some I’m sure, are even envious of the social butterflies out in the world. We are here, all over, waiting on the non-judgmental, the patient, and the calm to note our qualities. We make trustworthy loyal rational. life long friends, not hundreds of acquaintances. We in the end, are simply people. We offer a different perspective.

Have you hugged a homebody today?

War Resource

What’s on my mind most today is actually kind of humorous, if only because, the debate they discus is no debate at all. It’s simply fluff distraction, and frankly a moot point with lessons from history. This fake debate is, “Are the Wars being waged in the middle east, southwest Asia and Africa, by western powers, or with their help and moneys, to support, help, and protect people, to push government change to western style democracies, or are they for resources ?”

I’ve had an issue with our network and mainstream news media for some time. It’s really disturbing to me, as I also write a WordPress page “Future News Headlines”. I think of it as a satirical parody of Newspaper Headlines, their manipulations misrepresentations and agenda’s, in a tag-line. So I see a few Headlines, in my daily reading. Really, some are just too much. So, I wanted to comment on this war debate, mentioned to begin with. Just to get my thoughts down.

I believe we can say of Wars, the preponderance whether they begin for resource or not, end for resources. Through time we’ve fought for food, land, tributes, slaves, and in our world patriarchy, women. These haven’t changed through time. No, as we’ve advanced to list of things we fight for has grown. Yet still, all our wars are about resources.

We try to trick ourselves or allow others to try to trick us into believing, a secondary motivated concern is the  known primary. This new primary reason for war, always turns on some humanitarian action. We do this and try to believe it, or have others convince us into believing it, because the alternative has the dominating power looking like the aggressor it actually is. That’s usually us, the Western powers.

We want to believe in our perceived righteous cause. We want to believe we have the moral high ground. We don’t make it there anymore, however. Yet few of us as individuals, actually use raw resources. But among us identified as “people” are those who do use raw natural resources. Those raw natural resources might include the sons and daughters of each citizen as fodder.

The flat fact appears, they are all wars for resources benefiting the élite, before they benefit an overall population. War’s financed by élite financing and supplied by business owned and controlled by the élite. And also, all citizens are resources to get what those élite on top most need. More money and power. But to argue, peace, freedom, and democracy are anything but a cover story, when we have history to refer to, is lying to yourself, not facing reality, and not looking at the whole picture. Peace freedom and real democracy are wonderful beautiful ideals to strive for, even if they aren’t primary concerns when we’re taken to War.

But hey, those are my thought. I don’t expect they’re yours.

I Know What I Feel

Here is a sentence that holds more truths than the simple words imply. “I know what I feel.”

Feelings are a burden. The overriding of logic with emotion,. a problem specific only to humans in our animal kingdom. Many times a serious hindrance to our advancement as a species, while it adds depth to culture. Isn’t depth in culture, the path to allow a thinking species its eventual advancement? It feels as if that’s the answer in a times of heightened emotion. Simply talking the foot off the gas, of the one “unified world” theory.

Even the staggering stumbling steps so far, seem destined to fail. As the “Emotions” we share are the same, but the “Feelings” stimulated vary by culture, upbringing, and personal experience. This variance is what causes a continuation to illogical wars. While also making a world governing body an eventual, and inevitable failure, without a change from its present philosophical direction. One which presently seems diametrically opposed to culture, despite the titles given to its programs .

I feel power and domination forcing change, isn’t real change. I feel finding supporters of domination, by the powerful, and their interventions to cause change, isn’t real change either. I’d like to feel centralized power in a few elites, is losing the control it once had. Unfortunately I’m a realist, and the needed technologies aren’t there yet. I also feel it won’t, for many “justified“ reasons . I don’t feel good about that either, because there are many methods implemented to form the cultures opinion. Not all of those methods are of organic origin, but planned manipulations. All opinions can’t even yet be understood without this depth of cultures. I feel there is constant work to stifle this depth, going on behind the scenes daily.

I feel a wave is slowly forming in all regions of the world, and I’m not speaking of the many “springs”. I feel a wave of understanding has begun to take form, on the manipulations of the past, and the abuses brought on the various cultures by those manipulations. I feel the worst part is, these manipulations of people’s  over the years  were somehow for me.

I fail to understand those with power. I see power in domination, but I see how compromise has infinite power as well. Even if it’s a slightly different form. How can this not be seen as the tool it is? Is it that it’s more difficult and requires one to learn new tactics? To actually think. The power wielded through compromise builds feeling and cultural connection. Power through domination, overt or subtle, stomps feeling and cultural connection.

We value material as the citizens of a nations of dominating power, not culture. Is that the right side of history? I feel human drones aren’t what we were to aspire to . A mirror image of each other worldwide, isn’t a rich place to live. Even with the latest I-Phone, you’re just another worker bee.

Our world is as diverse as its people and their feelings. Those feelings form opinions. The present trend of a “one size fits all” method of rule, seems destined to fail. Unification of cultures isn’t possible yet, with our lack of depth. Our understand of each other has some way to go I feel, and from now on cultural depth is under fire.

My reference for these thoughts of mine are, “I know what I feel”.


A Social Network Taboo

I’d like to say a few things, about male/female relationships. Recognizing it’s a Social Network Taboo, if one wishes to keep up the social network. I must say as usual, I don’t care.
First, you’re beautiful. No male, and this is my masculine view, has an adjective more powerful, or the will to search for one.
Second, Good lord we know we’re not eloquent speakers, the locker room has ruined us all.
Third, some of us even try. We’re just so damn slow, the change is barely noticeable.
Fourth, If you wish to change a man, faster than his damn slowness allows, what the hell were you doing with him in the first place?
Finally Fifth, not all of us need utter silence for ESPN Sport Center. Some of us have other sport in mind, besides anything aired Saturday and Sunday. For some men those major television network Coliseum of commercial sales propaganda, mean nothing. We don’t believe subconsciously, drinking one beer over another will make us more or less attractive.
Yes gents, I know I’m not a spokesperson for the stereotypical male, but I do have the weekends free.
Maybe now is the time to worry.

Being Human

Being human isn’t easy, but working from the animal within, is taking the easy way out. What is being human? Being human is the ability to contrast compare and change. Being Human isn’t ones baser emotions of hate and fear, but to set those aside and love ones fellow human beings as they are, instead of changing them into a mirror image of self.

Make the Transformation

The observer in me has little to do with, the entertainments on offer from the mainstream media.

I  know when my taste for the light programing on offer, transformed. I had been a TV junkie from youngster, into my mid-teens. The sheer fiction, was an escape then for me. The change was a realization, while watching real people in real distress, over a 90 day period.

Fiction of a mind and the realities of a life, are overwhelming at times, just to see. Hearing the truths of a life, can bring you to sobbing tears. Being let into the fiction in a mind causes laughter intrigue, and even at times fear.

The transformation is one of understanding, even maturity. Movies, sitcoms, night-time soap-operas serials,and the news, will never be real. Ads try to sell you what you don’t need. The news is, dumbed down and propagandized. A sit-com shows you a life of mirth, people don’t normally have, and make you want it. Night time soaps show men or women stylized in a dream, and they will never be your partner. The serial dramas show you power and wealth regular people don’t have, but leave you desirous of both. The Movies are all the above.

These tools used to manipulate opinion and sell products, have the mind trapped. They have minds earning for a false reality. Why does the world not change? Trapped minds living in a media created, false reality of escapism.

Escapism to other lives and experiences. And all the goods advertised during the ad break, silently say, I can give you  your hearts deepest desire.  These goods will bring you happiness success and love, is a brazen fiction of the mind. The shows serve to distract you, from the problems and concerns of daily life. The news shapes itself, to what you need to hear., to keep you feeding into the Colosseum for the show.

The slap of reality, brought the transformation. Real people. Real life. These are real entertainments. It all starts with turning off “The Idiot Box” and tuning back on our real relationships. . As there will never be anything more interesting, comical, scary, moving, alluring, educating or down right entertaining, than those we allow into our lives. When we make our transformation, and turn off the tool of manipulation, “The Idiot Box”, and turn on to the one truth, all we will ever really have is each other. Frugality is all that’s needed, not forbiddance.

The Eye Sliders

I call it “The Eye Slide”. Maybe others have noted it too. It’s an odd phenomenon. I see it as a mental filter. One which allows an individual to not acknowledge the disabled, deformed, destitute, and diseased, in their direct line of sight and peripheral vision.

After observing the condition on many occasions, I believe the function is that of a reverse mirage. A Mirage allows for a wish, during a stress experience, to projected and become visible . The Eye Slide allows  a shaded, blurred, even a completely removal of the undesirable, based on the Sliders own  prejudices  (not stress)

An Eye Slide Fail is extremely amusing. I find though, a fail, often results in a quiet drama. One usually with belittling language, as the Eye Slider’s forced to face the failure of their filters. Out of sight, out of mind, no longer a possibility, Eye Sliders, by percentage, seem to become verbally hostile.

My favorite Eye Slider hostility, hearkened back to the days of bed chains and euthanasia, as methods to purify the population. The catalyst to the outburst, took place at a bus stop. The Eye Slider had completely digressed. Himself becoming what his personal filters, as an Eye Slider, attempted to remove.

There is a personality type to the Eye Slider. Their traits are selfish, and self obsessed. I say jokingly, they carry the Me First Gene. A definite useful attribute, when we we’re confronted daily, with our own internal fight or flight responses, as we struggled for survival. A time in our far past, when we used stone tools.

The Eye Slider’s, Me First Gene, causes the Eye Slider to believe the disabled, deformed, destitute, and diseased are directly stealing from the Eye Slider in some way. That the prompt disposal of these undesirable, will allow for the success, somehow always out of reach to the Eye Slider. The Bus Stop returns, with the Eye Slider telling the target of their anger, they are a waste of human skin. And should have never been born.

This is a large problem in our society. I give you the scene, made at a bus stop. There are millions of examples for all to see, other than my observation. In this bus stop conflict, the Eye Slider was male approx 30 yr old. The target of his hate and anger, a teenage girl with Downs Syndrome.

This is a trend in our society. Open your Eyes, and don’t let this trend continue it’s Slide forward.