Sleep Technology

My nights are an oddity. As far back in memory as I can go, my sleep habits haven’t been what others consider normal. When I was younger it was much more difficult. I had a record player by my bunk-bed. An old heavy thing. But then again, I’m old enough to not just remember 8 track tapes, but to have used them in my youth. I believe I was 5-7 yrs old and I would try to play a record, usually some Disney production, to keep myself company awake at night. I have memories of my mother yelling from her room, “it’s time to go to bed”.

Technology may advance, but as I got older my sleep issues never changed. My advancement in technology was a small transistor radio. It was small blue mono with a single hearing aid style ear insert, and I loved it. I developed a love of audio-theater, being drawn by CBS Radio Mystery Theater and voice styles of the classic radio news broadcasters. My sleep was close to impossible, without the soft voice that fades to white noise, as I finally drifted away.

Times do change and the transistor radio from the years before my teens, becomes a stereo radio, Sony Walkman. Needless for me, this stereophonic sound, having developed a taste for AM radio talk shows. Even young I understood the struggle people had with money and investing, and these subjects where my passion, I listened for them every night as I moved up and down the dial. I always hoped to find one just starting its broadcast, knowing it might be possible then to drift away

The developments in communications and broadcasting have moved like lightning. I’ve enjoy those leaps in technology as much as others, but still my personal advances in getting a better nights sleep, haven’t been so spectacular. Tapes, Cd’s, Internet, Mp3 players, Satellite Radio MP4 players, Wi-Fi, and now the Cloud for our use. A thing of wonder when properly considered.

My use of available technologies has moved ahead with the times, and my tastes for media has changed too over the year. I use the Internet to feed my passion of news forecasting and opinion on Economics, Investments, Banking, and Government policies, around the world. While at night I now drift and fade to Literary Classics in audio book form.

I may not get 7-8 hours of sleep a night, in fact I average between 3-4 hours, but my experience of my tossing and turning while others rest, has become a richer and fuller insomnia experience with technologies advancement. For counting sheep, warm milk, chamomile tea, Benadryl, (diphenhydramine) prescription sleeping pills, sounds of nature tapes white noise makers, and brandy at bedtime I have no thanks. But for those who’ve worked to enrich my experience of  insomnia and sleepless night with such bedtime (for me) technological wonders, I thank you all.

I Know What I Feel

Here is a sentence that holds more truths than the simple words imply. “I know what I feel.”

Feelings are a burden. The overriding of logic with emotion,. a problem specific only to humans in our animal kingdom. Many times a serious hindrance to our advancement as a species, while it adds depth to culture. Isn’t depth in culture, the path to allow a thinking species its eventual advancement? It feels as if that’s the answer in a times of heightened emotion. Simply talking the foot off the gas, of the one “unified world” theory.

Even the staggering stumbling steps so far, seem destined to fail. As the “Emotions” we share are the same, but the “Feelings” stimulated vary by culture, upbringing, and personal experience. This variance is what causes a continuation to illogical wars. While also making a world governing body an eventual, and inevitable failure, without a change from its present philosophical direction. One which presently seems diametrically opposed to culture, despite the titles given to its programs .

I feel power and domination forcing change, isn’t real change. I feel finding supporters of domination, by the powerful, and their interventions to cause change, isn’t real change either. I’d like to feel centralized power in a few elites, is losing the control it once had. Unfortunately I’m a realist, and the needed technologies aren’t there yet. I also feel it won’t, for many “justified“ reasons . I don’t feel good about that either, because there are many methods implemented to form the cultures opinion. Not all of those methods are of organic origin, but planned manipulations. All opinions can’t even yet be understood without this depth of cultures. I feel there is constant work to stifle this depth, going on behind the scenes daily.

I feel a wave is slowly forming in all regions of the world, and I’m not speaking of the many “springs”. I feel a wave of understanding has begun to take form, on the manipulations of the past, and the abuses brought on the various cultures by those manipulations. I feel the worst part is, these manipulations of people’s  over the years  were somehow for me.

I fail to understand those with power. I see power in domination, but I see how compromise has infinite power as well. Even if it’s a slightly different form. How can this not be seen as the tool it is? Is it that it’s more difficult and requires one to learn new tactics? To actually think. The power wielded through compromise builds feeling and cultural connection. Power through domination, overt or subtle, stomps feeling and cultural connection.

We value material as the citizens of a nations of dominating power, not culture. Is that the right side of history? I feel human drones aren’t what we were to aspire to . A mirror image of each other worldwide, isn’t a rich place to live. Even with the latest I-Phone, you’re just another worker bee.

Our world is as diverse as its people and their feelings. Those feelings form opinions. The present trend of a “one size fits all” method of rule, seems destined to fail. Unification of cultures isn’t possible yet, with our lack of depth. Our understand of each other has some way to go I feel, and from now on cultural depth is under fire.

My reference for these thoughts of mine are, “I know what I feel”.


What’s to Come

I think if you mix Edwin Starr’s song War, and a quote from Isaac Asimov’s, Foundation Trilogy, “Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.”, you may get close to my feelings about what’s to come.

You can see the trend of actions, fiscal and military.

If you use syllogism, for your deductive reasoning, the outcome is clear.

During times of economic inflation or hyper inflation, there is little better way to deflate than War.

Regarding the Advancement of Fundamental Jihadism


I find it amusing, after looking at both countries, that the US and Russia have the same view of radical Islam. Both countries have the same concerns, regarding the advancement of fundamental jihadism. Yet, both hold polar opposite policies and practices, in dealing with the issue. An almost counter productive situation. Created by a lack of communication unity and joint purpose between the two parties.

Since we have the same desired result, It would behoove both nations to combine into a unified front. This joint effort, would expand the efficacy of each countries anti-terrorism policies and practices. The possibility of this unified approach, is merely a dream. Even though the partnership would be affective, it’s ignored by the US. As cooperation doesn’t advances the United States imperial practices. Nor does cooperation destabilize governments or geographical regions. Cooperation would finally be lost, as the US seems follows all its anti-terror efforts by occupation.

This is the rub between the two nations. This is what stops the communication. This is where the two sides don’t see eye to eye, as decisions are taken on halting the expansion of jihadist terrorism.

Our practice as a nation, is to dominant an area physically. Using first our air power. Followed then by, the movement of military hardware and troops into the region or area in question. This is obviously a practice that takes place outside the national boarders of the United States. It seems however this practice expands recruitment for terrorist groups, and creates conditions that could expand the possibility of blow back, against the citizens of the United States.

The Russian practice of fighting terrorism, takes place inside its own boarders. It focuses on internal control, to keep its population safe. It works on a basis of intelligence, and seeks to not expand the terrorist threat, with its practices and policies. It works to avoid blow back, against its members citizens.

As I’m a cynic, these two great nation will never come together. The two nations will never see eye to eye, even though both share the same concern, where Islamic Jihad and terrorism are concerned. It’s truly a shame, really. Both countries could take lessons from the other. Also, as the concerns are the same, the joint effort would have a greater effect. With each side tempering the other and contributing to its practice, we would have twice as effective a front against terrorism as we do now.

I’d add to this cooperation, a decrease in overall spending for each nation. Something both nations could use, as crude oil prices fall for Russia, and the fiscal cliff approaches for the United States. But alas, these things will never come to pass. The destabilization and conflict, are set to continue. Now I can only watch the opportunity falter fail and fade. One that may have achieved real success, in the war on terror.




More Sales Trips Aboard


This is an interesting quote, from the Congressional testimony of Gen. David Petraeus, on March 16, 2010 . “The conflict foments anti-American sentiment, due to a perception of U.S. favoritism for Israel,” (Petraeus said in prepared testimony). “Arab anger over the Palestinian question limits the strength and depth of U.S. partnerships with governments and people’s in the [region] and weakens the legitimacy of moderate regimes in the Arab world. Meanwhile, Al-Qaeda and other militant groups exploit that anger to mobilize support.”

I thought this statement was quite revealing , when looking at the Gaza-Israel situation today. Especially as the operations continue to escalate. It shows in this statement alone, that these conflicts we are involved in, or are US approve of, are set to continue, no matter the sentiment of the people. The destabilization of an entire region will continue, as it’s desired by those who influence our policy makers.

It seems the Managing Editor for, Tim Cavanaugh, was wrong in his statement on October 2 2012. In a television interview Tim stated, “The Military is not a Jobs Program”. It’s clear now, his sentiment wasn’t heard by the powers that be. The only group possibly pleased by an increase in international conflict, has to be the Military Industrial Complex.

I’m sure the citizens of The United States and Britain, will see their top military and political officials, making even more sales trips abroad than usual, for their country’s military and defense contractors. We have to keep that fake economy, based in military conflict, Exploding.

Returning to a Point, Before Fear

I have always loved people. People of all kinds. I don’t place rules on people. By that I mean, predetermine expectations that beliefs habit or culture must match my beliefs, or accept my ways as better and something to strive for.

For me, the present ways of the world are confusing. War and conflict, death and destruction, divide and conquer are the ways I speak of. With what seems to also be a struggle for resources, hidden behind the banner of American style democratization, hiding unspoken at the core of the present, confusing way. A phenomenon I see as the, I must get mine before you get yours, mind-set.

This phenomenon is caused, I feel, by a self-imposed fear. Not so much of the individuals fear, although it has affected that too, but a national fear. A fear that’s been easy to tap into, after The United States physical geography was compromised by attack. It was said at the time, “we can’t let a good crisis go to waste”.

I think this was the final huddle, for an agenda based in fear. Fear of a loss of influence, power, and control of a World Stage, as other more populous countries become stronger economic powers. The thinking and logic behind resource control, which is our foreign policy, allows for metering national economic advancements, in up and coming economic powers. The thinking here is, controlling  resources allow for the limitation of imports on those resources. Resources that could create large revenues for advancing economic powers.

This action has been pushed by China quietly gathering access to reserves of Rare Earth resources. The reason behind that being directly related to the underlying actions in our democratization, dare I say Crusade. A crusade that actually has little to do with the main stated purpose of Freedom and Democratization .

I’ve said all this not agreeing with the violence on the part of any nation. Violence which I believe to be somewhat caused by our example. Holding a policy position, while actions are taken that don’t  move towards that policy position, is a method of influence our leaders have used in the past many times. Now I expect everyone to utilize the same method, in achieving their goals.

I love my country. I would never accept someones physical control of our nations land. By that I can also understand those who don’t appreciate our occupation. So, I feel in moving our foreign policy forward ,while maintaining our place as a  world power, with a voice that’s listened to, requires a change in the implementation our foreign policy. I know and recognize there are powers within the United States, who will fight against any change of direction in our foreign policy, as it means monetary losses themselves and their friends.

Returning to a point where we had control of ourselves, requires that the public for a start,  recognizes that fear is being used as a method of quiet control here at home. Fear that guides the public into unquestioning acceptance of our nations actions abroad. Actions taken in all our name. Actions where war and conflict, death and destruction, divide and conquer are the method used for the implementation of our foreign policies. A policy, as I’ve stated of, “I must get mine before you get yours”, resource control, under the guise of spreading freedom and democracy.

Morals and ethics, even when they take effort and sacrifice to achieve, will serve you better when it comes to respect, than raw force and power.

An Uncommon Interview

I felt this was a very interesting interview. Also an interview our national media would never seek. As staying in the loop requires media to stay within the opinions held by those who provide them with press releases, and a seat in establishment press conferences.

I doubt any will view the interview link in its entirety, if at all. My concern is always for people. People seldom choose the path government takes. Yet the people are the ones effected. While those who’ve set the paths direction, sit comfortably safe  from the repercussions of their decisions.

As always, I feel Violence is the last resort of those short on ideas, and the voice required for negotiating thee implementation of those ideas. . War is that domain. And it’s war where innocent people are damaged, destroyed, and decimated, by no fault of their own.  Where those who stand to benefit, wait safe on the sidelines of destruction, to pounce.

Currently resources are on the main agenda, as giant corporation who influence policy, wait to boom from captured Rare Earth Elements (REE’s) and petrodollars. But the complete regional control required, to fully exploit available resources, is still in the balance, as turmoil grows.

Empire and Fear

 I’m a news watcher listener and reader. I try to feed myself a diet of news that’s balanced. Often after a story is presented, I move to research what’s been said, digging into the background. This digging usually starts from my favorite subject geopolitical economics.  I think this subject is best viewed through the lens, of  the well known phrase, “follow the money”. In looking at the subject  I’ll mention, I try to find who benefits from the decisions taken.

I don’t expect this to be clear to all, or  or even make sense to many others who might read this. These things are personal observations, and may not be thought of in the same way by other. These statements on my observations are disturbing, and well should be. I see them as an ever increasing trend, from individuals and media alike. Maybe they bother or disturb others. Really, I’m not sure. I don’t see the subjects presented in a way, that’s even close to my observation.

The subject that has captured me recently is the rhetoric of violence, being seen in our presidential campaign, this election season and it’s companion rhetoric from the main stream media. whether it be on the subject of Iranian nuclear capability, resetting the reset in post Soviet relations with Russia, or going to war with China. But at least it’s easy to see who will benefit, if the present rhetoric is carried to it’s ends.

The rhetoric is strange to me. Strange rhetoric towards Iran, when every intelligence agency, here and abroad, says they have not made any decision to make a nuclear weapon. Describing their enrichment to 20%  for medical Isotopes, as a weapons program. When sanctions leave the cancer patients to die without treatments. Treatments they create because those sanctions otherwise would deny them materials for treatment. I’m no fan of Iran don’t get me wrong, but enrichment to 90% is need for weapons grade use. This would mean many of their centrifuges would require an upgrade.  Hard to do with such scrutiny of their nuclear program by the IAEA.

The Russian reset has been productive, and they shouldn’t bee viewed as our greatest enemy. Negotiations for less weapons through agreements, have been happening for decades now, and should be no surprise. Nor should there be shock, that a second term president has more freedom to negotiate , not having to run for office again. And Russia I’m sure would like to see some reciprocity, having made concessions for situations and actions in our nations stated interests

Then there is China, where more cooperation, as apposed to threats, might be more effective. As for blaming them for our lost jobs, it’s a gross error.  We’ve done that to ourselves over the last 30 yrs, as we’ve changed policy and practices. Making a move from an industrial based to a service based economy.

We also need to look at,  holding an imperial position world wide. When you hold such a position, you must share your wealth with those colonies you hold, to maintain them. Then add in the costs of foreign aid packages, to places held as imperial positions. This I look at as foreign jobs programs, when there is little accomplished at home in the area of  job growth.

Our future foreign policy, is suffering with these candidate comments. Our media appears to be war mongering and fear mongering for it’s own benefit . Pushing stories with little or no basis in truth or fact. Stories by news sources, that have a direct benefit from a war posture. General Electric owns one network, and is a huge military contractor. The others networks to have a vested interest, in sensationalizing news also. Even if it’s only getting you to view their network, so they can show you ads. And one has to think, what better way to keep a population frightened as they watch, than embellishment and sensationalized news broadcasting  .

Please don’t fall for the fear angle. Remember please, the manipulation of your emotions thru broadcast media, plays with the collective mind. I think this can be seen, if one  remember the terror color scale.  It had no other use, than to keep you afraid and watching.  Manipulating  emotions, so we would all acquiesce, to a false war in Iraq.

These things that happened before, are happening in our media again. It’s also showing its self, in the words of our top politicians. Please no matter your political belief watch closely. Be  truly informed, so to see these manipulations of you emotions through fear, for what they are. What they are is Infotainment. Infotainment is meant to manipulate emotions, to cause fear through half truths and misinformation. Presenting stories worded to shock and scare,  keeps the viewership up. An exercised effort to raise their advertising revenue. The courts have ruled, the news media has no responsibility to present truth. (ref. rBGH)

I urge you, before the politicians and the mainstream news media scare you into a particular belief, that you research what’s said, before you follow the herd motivated by the present false fears headline story and  its rhetoric. this is truly important as we set up for another four year presidential term, for one of the two mainstream candidates.