Bankers Greed and European Monetary Union Sabotage.

It is true that those countries within the EU’s monetary union, who have received Bailouts, are now in greater debt then when they first released the information about their failing economic structures, and their need for bailout. This was the original plan, not a result that has happened to occur, by mere chance alone.

Let’s look at a situation between Greece and two large Banking structures with the EU, for an example of the circumstances that face us all today. But first, it’s good to know that you can find these example throughout our world today. All one has to do is look. The first mention I’ve found describing the plan for the last 30 years of change, and it does so to a tee, was in a speech given in 1974 by Robert Welsh (John Birch Society founder, I believe). Where in he lays down step by step, way back then, the issues we as citizens, and not government and top industry officials, who are in the loop, confront today.

Here we go, When Greece had it’s debt write off, better known as “The Haircut”. Those banks who sustained losses by the writing off a portion of those bonds value were all private banks, not the EU Banking facilities themselves. Those facilities took no loss. This haircut, put stress on private banks having lost much capital. (We here, aren’t touching on the bankers choice to purchase said crap, that’s another story.)

The ECB, (European Central Bank) being what it is, and having the power and position it does, was one of the institutions that took no hair cut. In fact in there original bond purchase they were able to buy at a discount. This was in an effort to sweep the true circumstances facing the EU’s monetary union under the table, by propping up of the failing state of Greece. This action buying the EU some time to, well hope for the best. Time was and is to short to make the systemic changes needed, to each government, as they well know. From the start, that’s all they could do with their flawed plan, of a one size fits all currency, was to hope for the best.

Many bailouts later, as we push towards present time Greece, we find a back door bailout. This bailout was away from the sight of the people, as the ECB, now worried about their own future, and rightly so, because they too see the inevitable outcome, caused the Greek effect on the EU. As the contagion spreads through the EU’s Monetary Union, this plan was hatched, to perpetrate one more crime on the Greek people. The ECB forced Greece to take a loan from the EFSF (European Financial Stability Facility). The first loan they called for was 5.2 billion Euro, with 1 billion going to the Greek government to keep it going, and 4.2 billion to paid off Debt. That was only the first plan, and it was set aside for the second plan. This plan they followed through on. This second plan of forced Greece to take a 4.2 billion dollar loan. The whole loan was merely going to pass from the EFSF to Greece, and hey here’s the kicker, then would travel Directly to the ECB, because that was the debt the ECB wanted paid off.

I find this truly amusing a central bank forcing a sovereign state to take a loan to pay back it’s self, but hey that’s still not the best part, and sadly is becoming more common. When the ECB purchased those bond, the ones they required Greece to cover, they purchased them at between a 20% and 30% discount of there total value. Now as they recover on those bonds, they collected a 4.2 billion dollar payment. Strangely that is the full face value of those bonds.

If we stop for a moment and do the math on this transaction, we find the ECB recovered 840,000,000.00 Euro they were never entitled to. This action slicing more capital form the now most impoverished monetary participant in the EU structure, Greece. All this without the struggling citizens knowing a thing about the theft of the 840 million Euro, or the further debt their own monetary union had just forced upon them.

These thefts, as we can plainly see, are not “Isolated Incidents”. They are now, the rule not the exception. Look at the Jamie Diamond hearing yesterday, where a senator/representative, fawning over Diamond essentially said, tell us how we can make it easier for you to steal. Remember they are in the loop and asking this question, of a for profit scandalous banker.

This is not over. The path is obvious. The numbers don’t match, and all that’s needed is a little panic in the markets, for them to crumble. An issue Diamond also mentioned, as if it was in the works. After all he admitted that they had bet in their multibillion dollar loss, that the world economy would fail. Do you think they won’t do it again, especially considering the power they have to cause such a panic?

When one hedges, it’s usually so if the original investment fails your capital is retained, in a zero sum gain, JP Morgan was planning to make money with their hedge against their own investments, also a hedge against you and the rest of the world success. Unethical in the least, on JP Morgans part, however the congressional love festival during his testimony squashed any possible truth coming to light, for the public. I hope the public comes to their senses soon, and moves to stop this manipulative control of banking and business over our politicians and governments.

The middle class is falling, as it was planned. Soon we will live in a two class world. Take your government back. Make a return to one man one vote. It’s all that will save us.

This is  most important, as the new Asian NAFTA is being negotiated behind closed doors. Behind closed doors with over 600 companies working to write this Asian Trade Agreement and Alliance, that will include 8 countries, if memory serves. All this without any legislator ever having reviewed at it’s wording.

We are being marginalized as world citizens. Our needs our realities go unaddressed and ignored, in favor of throwing trillions to banks, that the unrepresented tax payers, world wide, will be required to reimburse. This is why I worry for people, and have become concerned for you and your family for you. The futures been laid out. The plan has been obvious for some time. When will you see all you hold dear is fading, and take a stand and say no these things are wrong. If this doesn’t happen soon, if we don’t stop it and change it, the future of the American laborer is what we now see in third world labor forces.

For all of us, I hope and pray.

About Eternal Verity - Future News Headlines
Second rate polymath, driven close to mad by the murky quagmire of agenda driven disinformation, playing in their muddied waters. More speaker than a writer, and more a reader than anything. More genial than I might appear. My special ability, being able to jump class, in a single bound (Up or Down) My love and concern is for my fellowman and the feeling human in us all.

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