Education, The Fourth Estate and a Totalitarian Future

I’ve been called an information sponge. I, however, consider myself only a watcher. A spectator, who studies the nature of man . Having in my life, dealt with many suffering from psychotic schizoid dissociative borderline paranoid delusional, personality disorders. The symptomatology of each of these psychiatric circumstances, are the elements I use to judge micro and macro information disseminated to the public by the fourth estate.

I’m just getting used to being a critic. I think it’s helped over the last two years, that I’ve sat as a panelist, reviewing literature for an award. This has been a quality experience, and plays nicely into my inclinations to check up on the mainstream press. A group definitely needing a bit of oversight.

Like our economy here in America, the press also works on a trickle down philosophy. Dumbed down false stories, partial  stories, celebrity stories, sound bite disinformation, and propaganda are the tools used now by our fourth estate. They create a daily spectacle for the people, holding the line given by those they are beholding to for access. This falls into access to basic press briefing, personal interviews, and even insider tips.

The fourth estate being chained to these, their sources, in no way allows for  a dissemination of  accurate unbiased reporting of fact. It only allows for the status quo presently in place, to continue its campaign of dumbing down their viewer the voter and the country.

The worst of it is, if you look at the state of education and the impotence of the fourth estate to inform with actually facts not opinion based spin, sets up a catastrophe in the making. A poorly educated, ill-informed public is they easiest to manipulate.

It will be those young and coming of age who will be the most effected. I think if we love our children maybe we should step away from the propaganda of mainstream disinformation. It’s easy to do in these day we live now. The Internet here, is a blessing. The Internet can also be a blessing in your child’s, “No Child Left Behind” education. Especially considering a no child left behind class, learns at the pace of the slowest among the classroom of students. I call it an, “almost all children left behind” policy. Net time can help this, in a time where schools can’t afford text books for each students use. A condition causing few, to no text books, to ever be brought home for further study.

What I wish most is a return to a skeptical public. As opposed to the sheep like acceptance slowly coming on the wings of poor education, and a beholding fourth estate, that is a growing sector of manipulation, and dare I say, flat-out lies. No change to this present trends of the fourth estate and education , leads to a quietly created totalitarian government.

Just thought I’d throw this opinion out there, to kick around for a bit.

About Eternal Verity - Future News Headlines
Second rate polymath, driven close to mad by the murky quagmire of agenda driven disinformation, playing in their muddied waters. More speaker than a writer, and more a reader than anything. More genial than I might appear. My special ability, being able to jump class, in a single bound (Up or Down) My love and concern is for my fellowman and the feeling human in us all.

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