Our Gamed System’s Lack Of Vision

These folks, our elected and appointed elites, need advice with our gamed system. It’s a shame the advice both the main party ideologies seem to have, is from other folks just like themselves. They are bound by beliefs and set practices that bar them from thinking creatively. This has caused us as “just regular citizens” of our country, and many others around the world to suffer. Of course, being regular citizens we know there are many ways to suffer. One of those ways is, the public having to respond to the politicians reactionary policies of fear, as they slam their breaks on sensible policies for our future. No matter what party you do or don’t belong to, we’re always recovering  from political whiplash at the very least.

If they’d only ask someone normal for an idea or opinion, as the present paid advisers, lobbyists, PAC, and Super PAC Spokespersons seem bent on destruction. The legislative powers approve some changes this foolishly, but disallow or don’t even consider other changes which of benefit. They’re plagued by old set practices from a time when our system of governance wasn’t so debased .

Goodness forbid, they might use a few advisers with life experiences, opposed to those with agenda’s, connection, and contracts, to give an honest appraisal. Then pick their minds for a wealth of knowledge, that’s reality based, All at less cost to their all so important elections to privilege, because they actually seem informed. Especially considering, how comical many elected officials look being as out of touch as they are. This might help, you never know. Certainly little else has made a real difference. Then, maybe we could actually address some of our mounting issues, and work on some of these, all around, burdens all.

Personally, I have little hope or sight of this ever happening. You see, every time I look at our politics I have this curious vision problem. I laughingly call my problem a “dystopia”. Today when I look at the political glass, it is neither half full or half empty, but cracked and leaking. I want the best for my fellow Americans, but I can’t see it coming back around. There’s just, no vision.

Awareness Comes Too Late

I’m speaking of finance and government, when I say you can’t have it both ways. It’s absolutely ridiculous, and simply a dream. It’s false hope, and works directly against the individual. A dream that perpetuates, and even worsens, the problems individuals will suffer in the long run.

Finance, in the case the Federal Reserve, continues the process of dollar devaluation. Its printing at this time appears to be an addiction. It’s purchase of housing derivatives,dangerous to say the least. As another housing bubble grows on the public’s books, through the dominance of government lending in the sector.

The close to zero percent borrowing rates, only serve to allow a direct drain from the public coffers. Those rates also allow for continued increases in risk and speculation, in newly created financial vehicles, that will most likely grow their own speculative bubbles.

We can see the track government is treading, as the Federal Reserve increases it’s purchasing of debt based, mortgage-backed securities to $80+ billion per month. The track being followed, obviously, as the fed increases QE, is straight over the fiscal cliff. I don’t believe there is any cause at this point to hold out hope.

These efforts though seem some how designed, in the long run to cause rebellion, when the reality and facts of this folly and abuse of power come to light. Unfortunately I see an impoverished population under Marshall Law, as the realities of living under a stylized fascist system of controls, fully reaches the oppressed impoverished masses. The acknowledgment finally, of the unconstitutional abuses of power, will come too late. The recognition of the theft of savings and retirement, won’t bring the wealth confiscated back. It also won’t stop the further drain of savings or the illegal appropriation of savings by financial entities, for their own purposes.

How do I know this will be the case, some may ask. Well let me say, following the current trends of government and finance point to this conclusion. Not to mention the policy trends from our partner nations, such as the UK, pointing in the same direction.

As the little guy, a place held by the majority of the population, I know suffering in great measure is on the way. Some would have you think the difficulties have passed and things are getting better. I think they are promoting a false sense of security.

We need to acknowledge this depression, as no government or financial institutions will. We are flat broke. We have bailed out banks, and they make their money by increasing debt. If these few things of the many other pointing the same direction are true, we are in trouble unimaginable. Especially if one also considers, the present climate of international affairs.

I am concerned, as I write this, with all people everywhere. I pray for all humanity. I want only the best for all people. I may focus on my own, but I never lose sight of others. If there are those out there who can say the same, maybe all is not yet lost.

A Game of Control and Power


I have a certain level of disappointment with my peers. How can the present manipulations fraud and lies go unnoticed. To me, these games played by those who have money and power or both, are obvious. Yet the outcry, for response to these issues, is almost silent. It’s as if the majority of the populace is willingly deaf dumb and blind to the abuse perpetrated by those with money and or power.

The manipulations, by the powers that be, is almost glaringly obvious. Even pushing up-stream against public opinion polls, to achieve their goal. The reason for going against the grain, money and power.

One would think, in a time of crisis, awareness would rise. I have found this assumption on my part false. In fact I feel it’s just the opposite. I see less attention paid by individuals, who should know better. It’s as if the citizens who should be actively speaking out, have become ostriches, by placing their heads fully in the sand.

Stealing the investments of individual savers, with high frequency algorithmic trading and the printing of money, are just 2 ways the public is taking it in the shorts. Remember that every dollar printed lowers buying power. Another way to look at the issue, sees your working wage shrinking, as more dollars enter the system. This, with the close to free money loaned to those who meet the criteria, after bank bailouts, is another burden to which the citizens are mostly blind.

The majority of citizens seem to be blind, when it comes to mainstream medias cozy relationship with government, and the manipulations they use to shape and form public opinion. I have commented, in the past, how media is beholding to the powers that be, for a story. A term I feel is appropriate. I see a story as, most commonly, a work of fiction. Then, when you add entertainment and Hollywood stories, and you come full circle, with the dissemination of processed fluff, presented as hard news.

The situation, when I look at the state of world finance, our changing domestic policy, and our present foreign policy of physical occupation, is dire. The confluence of all these things paints a much different picture, than the one given to our country’s citizens. This will get worse, not better. Even with all the promises made by improving statistic.

I know no other way, than writing on these topics, to reach people with my message. A message that pleads with my fellows, for increased awareness, and the questioning of the powers that be. Even having as few readers as I do I must still try. I must still write. Just the possibility of  increased awareness, in one person, gives me the drive to publish my thoughts and concerns on these issues each day.

Regarding the Advancement of Fundamental Jihadism


I find it amusing, after looking at both countries, that the US and Russia have the same view of radical Islam. Both countries have the same concerns, regarding the advancement of fundamental jihadism. Yet, both hold polar opposite policies and practices, in dealing with the issue. An almost counter productive situation. Created by a lack of communication unity and joint purpose between the two parties.

Since we have the same desired result, It would behoove both nations to combine into a unified front. This joint effort, would expand the efficacy of each countries anti-terrorism policies and practices. The possibility of this unified approach, is merely a dream. Even though the partnership would be affective, it’s ignored by the US. As cooperation doesn’t advances the United States imperial practices. Nor does cooperation destabilize governments or geographical regions. Cooperation would finally be lost, as the US seems follows all its anti-terror efforts by occupation.

This is the rub between the two nations. This is what stops the communication. This is where the two sides don’t see eye to eye, as decisions are taken on halting the expansion of jihadist terrorism.

Our practice as a nation, is to dominant an area physically. Using first our air power. Followed then by, the movement of military hardware and troops into the region or area in question. This is obviously a practice that takes place outside the national boarders of the United States. It seems however this practice expands recruitment for terrorist groups, and creates conditions that could expand the possibility of blow back, against the citizens of the United States.

The Russian practice of fighting terrorism, takes place inside its own boarders. It focuses on internal control, to keep its population safe. It works on a basis of intelligence, and seeks to not expand the terrorist threat, with its practices and policies. It works to avoid blow back, against its members citizens.

As I’m a cynic, these two great nation will never come together. The two nations will never see eye to eye, even though both share the same concern, where Islamic Jihad and terrorism are concerned. It’s truly a shame, really. Both countries could take lessons from the other. Also, as the concerns are the same, the joint effort would have a greater effect. With each side tempering the other and contributing to its practice, we would have twice as effective a front against terrorism as we do now.

I’d add to this cooperation, a decrease in overall spending for each nation. Something both nations could use, as crude oil prices fall for Russia, and the fiscal cliff approaches for the United States. But alas, these things will never come to pass. The destabilization and conflict, are set to continue. Now I can only watch the opportunity falter fail and fade. One that may have achieved real success, in the war on terror.




Playing Like Selfish Children

What the hell is going on? Has the world lost its mind? Is this a worldwide push for total destruction? I can see nothing but the ignorance of pride. The, I must get mine before you get yours, greed, has gone national. With all parties concerned, digging in their heels.

We as individual nations, are now playing like selfish children on the play ground, arguing over who gets to use the basketball and hoop. What’s needed is a bit of detention time, writing lines such as, “We shall not force our imperialism on populations, through military conquest”. Even if those lines only served to keep those in detention, from racing to destroy the world.

I’ve stated it before, and I’ll say it again. If our countries had mothers, we’d all be better off. With the recent behaviors of many nations, a mother chewing some ass might help with an attitude adjustment. And one is truly needed. All the skills we’re taught in our first lessons, like respect and sharing, are completely absent from the present conversations and actions taken by one country or group over another, all around the world today.

If all we ever needed to know, we actually learned in kindergarten. Groups and governments must have failed, this most basic of all lesson. Knowing this is the case, I understand why our world seems to be run by the angry selfish and retarded. What we have, might need a few cracks with the kitchens wooden spoon. A little physical reminder to shape up fly right, and get those priorities straight. Because, at this point the childish behavior and selfishness, is a hindrance not a help.

Returning to a Point, Before Fear

I have always loved people. People of all kinds. I don’t place rules on people. By that I mean, predetermine expectations that beliefs habit or culture must match my beliefs, or accept my ways as better and something to strive for.

For me, the present ways of the world are confusing. War and conflict, death and destruction, divide and conquer are the ways I speak of. With what seems to also be a struggle for resources, hidden behind the banner of American style democratization, hiding unspoken at the core of the present, confusing way. A phenomenon I see as the, I must get mine before you get yours, mind-set.

This phenomenon is caused, I feel, by a self-imposed fear. Not so much of the individuals fear, although it has affected that too, but a national fear. A fear that’s been easy to tap into, after The United States physical geography was compromised by attack. It was said at the time, “we can’t let a good crisis go to waste”.

I think this was the final huddle, for an agenda based in fear. Fear of a loss of influence, power, and control of a World Stage, as other more populous countries become stronger economic powers. The thinking and logic behind resource control, which is our foreign policy, allows for metering national economic advancements, in up and coming economic powers. The thinking here is, controlling  resources allow for the limitation of imports on those resources. Resources that could create large revenues for advancing economic powers.

This action has been pushed by China quietly gathering access to reserves of Rare Earth resources. The reason behind that being directly related to the underlying actions in our democratization, dare I say Crusade. A crusade that actually has little to do with the main stated purpose of Freedom and Democratization .

I’ve said all this not agreeing with the violence on the part of any nation. Violence which I believe to be somewhat caused by our example. Holding a policy position, while actions are taken that don’t  move towards that policy position, is a method of influence our leaders have used in the past many times. Now I expect everyone to utilize the same method, in achieving their goals.

I love my country. I would never accept someones physical control of our nations land. By that I can also understand those who don’t appreciate our occupation. So, I feel in moving our foreign policy forward ,while maintaining our place as a  world power, with a voice that’s listened to, requires a change in the implementation our foreign policy. I know and recognize there are powers within the United States, who will fight against any change of direction in our foreign policy, as it means monetary losses themselves and their friends.

Returning to a point where we had control of ourselves, requires that the public for a start,  recognizes that fear is being used as a method of quiet control here at home. Fear that guides the public into unquestioning acceptance of our nations actions abroad. Actions taken in all our name. Actions where war and conflict, death and destruction, divide and conquer are the method used for the implementation of our foreign policies. A policy, as I’ve stated of, “I must get mine before you get yours”, resource control, under the guise of spreading freedom and democracy.

Morals and ethics, even when they take effort and sacrifice to achieve, will serve you better when it comes to respect, than raw force and power.

In Need of a Lecture

I see, a point of breaking has been reached. I wonder about the logic, behind the reaction. I have to question the  decisions taken around the world, presently. I’m not sure we can leave anyone out at this point. Nor can we not acknowledge the position we hold and the part we play. We can’t, in understanding our place, refuse to place responsibility where it belongs. Understanding our place, admitting our culpability, and exposing the culpability of others, where justified, while changing our own policies, would be a strong step forward. Policies we’ve held for sometime, have only been expansionary, as we occupy to increase in our influence.

I’m not sure of this incidents timing. I’m forced here to look at this, knowing that the stated reasoning for “counter attack “ could be any number of convenient, pre-prepared reasons. Reasons the could be used at anytime, with no one questioning the logic, here in the west. So why now? Answer. It further destabilizes the region.

We have the same policy strangely with Saudi Arabia. You see political and social oppression for physical gain, is practiced there. As it is in Israel. We support them both, generally without question.

With the advance of history, and the years, we’ve lost any moral high ground ,we were once able to claim. We only help to advance those in the world, if they subscribe fully to our system democracy. And those who we influence, rightly or wrongly, have exactly zero experience with democracy of any kind. Let alone, an americanized version.

What freedom is it that we are trying to provide? From what I can tell, freedom is the freedom of markets, not freedom for the people. Freedom for the people would mean they could take all the time they needed to get their own country in order. When our brand of freedom really means, allowing corporations to come in and steal resources for pennies. Pennies, when compared to the resources real value. Resources the country we’ve targeted for freedom, might have built its future on. Resources stripped from them with sweetheart deals, bribes and payoffs, for air tight contracts. Left behind for those people’s freed? Toxicity and Destruction, for generations to come.

I can’t support a foreign policy and economy based in corporate greed and military expansionism. That doesn’t even come close to the moral high ground, our country should be working to regain. That is, if we are to be part of the world in the future. We must understand our number has weight, but there are other countries with larger populations. Throwing our weight around may work for now, but continuing to do, as we have, paves our road to the future with more and more bumps and ruts .

We are struggle to stay on top. We should be struggling to regain what our decision makers have thrown away. with their poor choices, over the last dozen years. Whether you think the words just or ignorant, the mistake was to not take the words spoken by George W. Bush, “We are going to mount a crusade”, to their fullest extent. Now here we are 12 years later, on the verge of war on all fronts. Why? Because we won’t change. Because changing means admitting our policy errors, and what’s been wrought from those errors.

If our country had a mom, we’d be getting such the lecture about our behavior.

From Complex to Simple


I find it an oddity in human beings, that procrastination is always the choices, when it comes to taking and making important decisions.. As individuals most of us do fine by the percentages in the management of life. As complexities build, by adding individuals to these groups. The management of the group system becomes more complex, the larger the count of individuals within the group grows.

From there, each movement of that group, as a whole, becomes weighted with added complexity to the management system. There are many and varied examples, if one thinks for a moment. When the groups finally are confront from within, most are too large to easily change, for the needs of their members. Clubs committees religions business government, and many other group archetypes, are these systems of giant complexity.

These Mega-systems are long to change, quick to respond, structures. Some are so large, the decision making process is a fettered one. As apposing individuals within the group posture, the progress comes to a stop. Compromise is lost to the large group. With individual concerns, for progress to actually take place, the problem of the group has to come to the point, where if nothing is done, the group will fail. A point of so much pressure and pain, the T.I.N.A belief, (There Is No Alternative) truly applies. A breaking point of assured destruction.

If you doubt this, I recommend taking a look at the issues around the world, being managed by these Mega-groups. International and sovereign governments business banks and social control like media, are some of these huge systems, and their overall failure, not to mention the lies, fraud, broken laws, false wars and buddy bailouts, all fit this Mega-model.

Not one of these Mega System, can any longer benefit from one good idea. It simply gets lost in the buzz of these system. Destine if anything, to be watered down altered and made complex. After all that, it may never again see the light of day.

Complex system are fully our problem. Human nature is to simplify and advance. The nature of the Mega-system is to add complexity and obstruct.

If we want to advance change, have more freedom with less corporation manipulation and lies, simplification is the only way to change the pattern of decision making. Simplification is the way to transparency. Simplification is the way to combat manipulations and lies. Simplification also closes the chance for fraud. Our hope and direction as people on mass, should be to work for the simplification of these complex system,. It is the one thing I believe will lead us, into a better future for all mankind.

Life’s Gun Battles

Guns are fine, it’s the people who have them that are the issue. I have three friends who have been shot down in the street, and one that blew his head off with a 79 dollar Kmart shotgun. I don’t deny you your Second Amendment right. I want you to have it. But, suspicion and threat isn’t a reason to kill. Nor is depression.

When you’ve been shot at personally, come talk to me. When you’ve been held at gun point, (more than once) come talk to me. When you’ve provided aid to gunshot victims, come talk to me. When you’ve cleaned up the blood from repeated eruptions of violence,  come talk to me. When you’ve taken the gun from the hand of a man about to commit a murder, then come talk to me. When your friend sits in wheel chair, forever changed from being shot in the streets, then come talk to me. When one of your friends needs 9 surgeries,to save his life, from gun shot wounds to the belly, then come talk to me. When you testify in attempted murder trail, because your friend has been beat down by those who commit violence, while you’re held back so you can watch the beating, then come talk to me about what you really know about guns, and what they really do.

Come walk a mile in my shoes, with something besides what you read on board, and how you interpret it. Only then we will be on fair ground. Till them count yourselves lucky when you go to bed at night, that none of this has happened to you. Know you’re better off just seeing it on TV, as then you won’t get hurt. But when it’s you, and you have some reality besides what you read and see on the tube, then you can fairly tell me your opinions. Till then be happy. And know I pray, honestly pray, we never meet having these shared experiences as common ground.

I’ve scratched the surface of my experience here. How have you formed your opinions on guns and gun control?  I don’t think or believe it to be a bad thing for most. As most are and can be trustworthy and responsible.  But I have experience, that overshadows anything you can see on TV, or read on the web or in a paper.  It can even overwhelm my own good sense, when confronted with my own experience,  as to who should and shouldn’t have firearms. It’s tough to see your fellow-man shot down in the streets.

“Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent.” A quote from Isaac Asimov, a Vice President of Mensa International, in his day. A quote I believe to be true. But in using his words, and professing my agreement, the fully uneducated person I am, must not have thought it through. I must not have considered fully, as he did, the meaning of the words. I must not have tried to put the meaning of the words into practice in my own life. I must not have been able like he, to consider the morals and ethics, in the taking of  life.

I’ve seen enough. I don’t need to see any more, to judge myself and my fellow-man. It’s been shown to me. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. You see violence, it’s been the last refuge of the incompetent for a while now. Please though, continue to Judge me for my life experiences, as I’ve seen you Judge others in ignorance. I have an opinion forged  in the fires violence, tempered by real word experience. I don’t want to take anything from my fellows. What I wish for is reason and logic, in our decision-making processes. Not total denial of our rights.

What experiences do you have with Guns and/or Gun Violence,  helping to form your opinions and changing your life?

An Uncommon Interview

I felt this was a very interesting interview. Also an interview our national media would never seek. As staying in the loop requires media to stay within the opinions held by those who provide them with press releases, and a seat in establishment press conferences.

I doubt any will view the interview link in its entirety, if at all. My concern is always for people. People seldom choose the path government takes. Yet the people are the ones effected. While those who’ve set the paths direction, sit comfortably safe  from the repercussions of their decisions.

As always, I feel Violence is the last resort of those short on ideas, and the voice required for negotiating thee implementation of those ideas. . War is that domain. And it’s war where innocent people are damaged, destroyed, and decimated, by no fault of their own.  Where those who stand to benefit, wait safe on the sidelines of destruction, to pounce.

Currently resources are on the main agenda, as giant corporation who influence policy, wait to boom from captured Rare Earth Elements (REE’s) and petrodollars. But the complete regional control required, to fully exploit available resources, is still in the balance, as turmoil grows.
